General Need a recommendation


משתמש צעיר
Hello everyone,
I need a recommendation for slippers for my 11 year old daughter
She doesn't like closed shoes and from the moment she comes back from school she wears slippers, so I want to invest and buy her something of high quality, comfortable and beautiful (that you can also leave the house with...)

רכבת הרים

משתמש מקצוען


משתמש צעיר
.maybe you'll like those. but i'm not sure about the quality.
by the way, crocs have open tipes for sure, i've seen it when i was there, and their slippers are very comfortable
Thank you!
I'll check out the ones from Next,
As for the Crocs, I'm less attached to their slippers, but Crocs are really very comfortable, my boys had their sandals (they wear them without socks, I think with socks it's uncomfortable)


משתמש מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
בוגר/תלמיד פרוג
עימוד ספרים
שלום לכולם,
אני צריך המלצה על נעלי בית לבת שלי בת ה -11
היא לא אוהבת נעליים סגורות ומהרגע שהיא חוזרת מבית הספר היא נועלת נעלי בית, אז אני רוצה להשקיע ולקנות לה משהו איכותי, נוח ויפה (שאפשר גם לצאת איתו מהבית...)
"Teva Navot" shoes are very comfortable, and there are also beautiful models, this is what I found on their website.
Translated by Google, so sorry for the errors...


משתמש צעיר
?Are you talking about sandals specifically or in general about all their shoes/slippers?
cause I have their slippers and occasionally I wear them with socks and still I can't see any difference in comfort between with socks and without socks​
I don't know about all the slippers, my boys didn't like wearing socks with these sandals, but maybe it's because they are used to wearing sandals without socks in the summer...
It's the Crocs sandals

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