Question English recipes vs Israeli recipes

החיים טובים

סטודנטית לעיצוב פנים בסטייל
מנוי פרימיום
בוגר/תלמיד פרוג
I'm wondering what do Americans living in Israel do , do you use Israeli recipes
.or adjest the English recipes to Israeli ingredients
Would appreciate your input!

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
Personally I use both, but there are some things that need to be kept in mind when using an Israeli recipe.
For example, using a measuring cup vs. plastic cup - in American recipes it's not even a question.
Israeli margarines are double the size.
Oven temperature...
Some ingredients are hard to come by here, like corn syrup and allspice.​


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איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
If any of you read the english magazines-there are things there that we don't have here.....


משתמש מקצוען
I do both.
I use measuring cups even when the recipe calls for disposable cups. I figure that no one is measuring the disposable ones, so it might turn out to be a different size than my cups anyway, so might as well use whatever size I have- which are measuring cups.
Plus I hate having all that garbage around.

@יפה'לה I've never had a problem finding allspice. Any spice store has it, and many supermarkets too.

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
@יפה'לה I've never had a problem finding allspice. Any spice store has it, and many supermarkets too.
So maybe I didn't mean allspice? What's it called in Hebrew?
Google translates it as פלפל אנגלי.
Not what I meant. I meant the topping used often on bagles and fish with sesame seeds and other dried spices.

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai


צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
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צילום מקצועי
So maybe I didn't mean allspice? What's it called in Hebrew?
Google translates it as פלפל אנגלי.
Not what I meant. I meant the topping used often on bagles and fish with sesame seeds and other dried spices.
everything spice

החיים טובים

סטודנטית לעיצוב פנים בסטייל
מנוי פרימיום
בוגר/תלמיד פרוג
Did you ever compare the receipts in the Hebrew mishpacha vs the English one??


משתמש מקצוען
Did you ever compare the receipts in the Hebrew mishpacha vs the English one??
The recipes?
Yes. They are totally different. Sometimes they do translate the English ones to Hebrew,though. And Efrat Libfroind is featured sometimes in one of the English magazines, don't remember which.

I find it funny when the Hebrew magazines have simple recipes they think is fancy, like deli roll :LOL:

החיים טובים

סטודנטית לעיצוב פנים בסטייל
מנוי פרימיום
בוגר/תלמיד פרוג
Same here,
Cant think of ever making the lunch ideas or side dishes from the Hebrew ones.
It's not comparable!


משתמש סופר מקצוען
עיצוב גרפי DIP
עיצוב גרפי
צילום מקצועי
,I use both
.but tend to go mostly with american recipes from the english Mishpach (or or Binah
(I use hot cups for israeli recipes (or my regular measuring cups minus a little bit
and american measuring cups for american recipes .

I find it frustrating when a yummy recipe is not possible for me to prepare do to lack of ingredients here in Israel.
There is an americn supermarket here in Beit Shemesh where I buy some of the stuff, some things I bring in from America every once in a while, and in some recepies I find substitutes...

I just had a frustrating experience when I prepared a delicious looking recepie of cheese buns with pecan goo:confused:
The recepie called for American cream cheese and I carelessly used israeli Napolian cream cheese. the filling was so runny I made the sloppiest buns ever.
.They were yummy, nevertheles:) but it was very frustrating.

So yeah, making american recipes here in Israel is trickey and requires focusing:) but in my opinion- it's usually worth the bother...​

אם הבנים שמחה!

משתמש מקצוען
I use both on the rare occasions that I actually use a recipe. Mostly I wing it.
I always use either a measuring cup whether the recipe is American or Israeli. I will never get used to using a disposable 6-ounce cup to measure ingredients. That just seems wrong.
What I prefer about Israeli recipes is that they measure baking powder and vanilla sugar by packets, which makes more sense there. When the American recipes write 2 teaspoons of baking powder and I have to measure it out, I end up with a packet with a little left in it. Sometimes I just throw in the whole packet without measuring because it's just easier.

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
Since I use more American baking recipes than Israelis, I pour the baking powder into a container when I buy it.
I do leave a few bags for when I do bake Israeli.
Same here. I actually have the original baking powder container from the US which has a half a lid that helps to smoothen out the tsp, and keep on refilling it.

Esty S

משתמש מקצוען
עיצוב גרפי
איור וציור מקצועי
הפקות ואירועים
,I use both
.but tend to go mostly with american recipes from the english Mishpach (or or Binah
(I use hot cups for israeli recipes (or my regular measuring cups minus a little bit
and american measuring cups for american recipes .

I find it frustrating when a yummy recipe is not possible for me to prepare do to lack of ingredients here in Israel.
There is an americn supermarket here in Beit Shemesh where I buy some of the stuff, some things I bring in from America every once in a while, and in some recepies I find substitutes...

I just had a frustrating experience when I prepared a delicious looking recepie of cheese buns with pecan goo:confused:
The recepie called for American cream cheese and I carelessly used israeli Napolian cream cheese. the filling was so runny I made the sloppiest buns ever.
.They were yummy, nevertheles:) but it was very frustrating.

So yeah, making american recipes here in Israel is trickey and requires focusing:) but in my opinion- it's usually worth the bother...​
the dairy recipes are the hardest to do here, because the dairy stuff here are completely different.
i stopped trying.:cautious:


צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
Like what?
What are the differences?
The cream cheese? cottage cheese? Half and half?

Esty S

משתמש מקצוען
עיצוב גרפי
איור וציור מקצועי
הפקות ואירועים
Like what?
What are the differences?
The cream cheese? cottage cheese? Half and half?
everything tastes differently.
and the cheese is too runny for a lot of recipes, (if you drain it a night before it could work)
:(and of course there is no american cheese here

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