General What is your background in English?

לא מוגדרת

משתמש פעיל
So I'm not the only one who does things like that?
I've called relatives in the US to check how we say things correctly in English.
Order pizza? and Mrs English one i think you shuld say an English husband sorry to correct you but this is the aim of this thread isnt it? anyhow i find out that many Americans have some grammar or spelling mistakes as long we understand you its ok...


משתמש פעיל
Pizza, I know to order, not invite.
Usually it's for grammar or sentence structure questions.


משתמש מקצוען
In case it makes you feel better, I grew up in the US and only moved here as an adult, and I recently asked my kids if they wanted to invite pizza. :oops:
That's not my problem at all.
My sentences are perfect. The wording is great, the grammar is great, and I would never 'invite pizza' or 'save on the kids' or whatever.
My problem is the fact that I don't know what a naturally American sentence should be like.
So for example, I wanted to start this paragraph with the words 'the funny thing is'.
But that is a translation. הדבר המצחיק הוא
If I wouldn't be translating, I probably would have started by writing 'funnily...'. Or maybe something else, I'm not sure.

Adding- an American would probably say 'as an example' and not 'so for example'

אם הבנים שמחה!

משתמש מקצוען
"The funny thing is" sounds completely American. Any American would start a sentence like that without thinking twice.
("Funnily" isn't a word.)
So does "For example."
American's don't usually say "As an example" in casual conversation.
Your English sounds very American to my American ears.

שני ורנר.

משתמש סופר מדליק
מנוי פרימיום
בוגר/תלמיד פרוג
עיצוב גרפי
עריכה והפקת סרטים
עימוד ספרים
?!how can be that i didnt know about that thread
.so, a little information on myself

,i dont have any English speakers in my around
.but i learned English very seriously for a 6 months

...for now i speak better than i write
(:so i really hope to improve it here

with your kindness help (i made it! i have remember how to say kindness in English!)

I sure i have crazy mistakes
so you can laugh... but not too mach, if i may ask

!thank you everybody


מח עצום

משתמש פעיל
עיצוב גרפי
איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
the funny thing is is a normal English exasperation

ר. מנלה

משתמש חדש
if it's for non english speakers trying to brush up their English, then I believe many English speakers won't visit here
there has to be a clear definition as to what this forum is all about
Every word!
It seems to me that as of now the forum is being used by Hebrew speakers who would like to touch up their English. Therefore people like me - and you? Will be visiting here just so we can have a good laugh. No offense - its just really funny seeing all the posts - because I am an English and Hebrew speaker I can see where everyone is coming from and what words or expressions they are trying to translate.

לא מוגדרת

משתמש פעיל
Every word!
It seems to me that as of now the forum is being used by Hebrew speakers who would like to touch up their English. Therefore people like me - and you? Will be visiting here just so we can have a good laugh. No offense - its just really funny seeing all the posts - because I am an English and Hebrew speaker I can see where everyone is coming from and what words or expressions they are trying to translate.
Every word!
It seems to me that as of now the forum is being used by Hebrew speakers who would like to touch up their English. Therefore people like me - and you? Will be visiting here just so we can have a good laugh. No offense - its just really funny seeing all the posts - because I am an English and Hebrew speaker I can see where everyone is coming from and what words or expressions they are trying to translate.
it would be very interesting that all the writers here would write both in english and hebrew and let us guess whats their native launguage too bad some of us already did it

ראש אמריקאי

תרגום וכתיבה שיווקית באנגלית
מנוי פרימיום
פרסום וקופי
Hi! Similar to Yafaleh, I also was born and grew up in the U.S., then made Aliya with my parents after high school. I went to an Israeli seminary and even wrote my thesis in Hebrew, receiving a B.ed. degree in early child education. Since I married an Israeli and speak to my kids in Hebrew only, I have (almost) great Hebrew.

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
Hi! Similar to Yafaleh, I also was born and grew up in the U.S., then made Aliya with my parents after high school. I went to an Israeli seminary and even wrote my thesis in Hebrew, receiving a B.ed. degree in early child education. Since I married an Israeli and speak to my kids in Hebrew only, I have (almost) great Hebrew.
Wow, how did you manage to write a thesis in Hebrew?
I barely managed to pass tests...


משתמש פעיל
Hi guys
I am an Israeli B''H
I learned English at school
But the truth is that I learned most of my knowledge alone from reading.
We have family in the United States but I don't have the courage to speak to them in English,
So it turns out that I understand them perfectly, but only listen from the side and talk less
I dream of the day when I have the courage to speak perfect English.

I apologize if there were mistakes.. I would be happy to correct them.

ברת מזל

משתמש פעיל
Hi everyone
Reading everything you've shared was really fascinating
I teach English in high school and use it on a daily basis.
My tip for those who would like to improve the language is to have a native speaker as a partner for speaking and keep talking.
Like they said before :practice makes perfect and I would like to add: Persistence makes it, too.
Now what's left for you is to guess who I am, an American or maybe an Israeli, according to my way of speaking, of course ☺

לא מוגדרת

משתמש פעיל
Hi everyone
Reading everything you've shared was really fascinating
I teach English in high school and use it on a daily basis.
My tip for those who would like to improve the language is to have a native speaker as a partner for speaking and keep talking.
Like they said before :practice makes perfect and I would like to add: Persistence makes it, too.
Now what's left for you is to guess who I am, an American or maybe an Israeli, according to my way of speaking, of course ☺
israely because you are writing according to the rules

אם הבנים שמחה!

משתמש מקצוען
Hi everyone
Reading everything you've shared was really fascinating
I teach English in high school and use it on a daily basis.
My tip for those who would like to improve the language is to have a native speaker as a partner for speaking and keep talking.
Like they said before :practice makes perfect and I would like to add: Persistence makes it, too.
Now what's left for you is to guess who I am, an American or maybe an Israeli, according to my way of speaking, of course ☺
Israeli with an excellent English.

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
Hi everyone
Reading everything you've shared was really fascinating
I teach English in high school and use it on a daily basis.
My tip for those who would like to improve the language is to have a native speaker as a partner for speaking and keep talking.
Like they said before :practice makes perfect and I would like to add: Persistence makes it, too.
Now what's left for you is to guess who I am, an American or maybe an Israeli, according to my way of speaking, of course ☺
Israeli with great spelling!! But the sentence structure is different than how a native English speaker would write. (Nothing to do with grammar) Kol Hakavod!

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תהילים פרק יא

א לַמְנַצֵּחַ לְדָוִד בַּיהוָה חָסִיתִי אֵיךְ תֹּאמְרוּ לְנַפְשִׁי (נודו) נוּדִי הַרְכֶם צִפּוֹר:ב כִּי הִנֵּה הָרְשָׁעִים יִדְרְכוּן קֶשֶׁת כּוֹנְנוּ חִצָּם עַל יֶתֶר לִירוֹת בְּמוֹ אֹפֶל לְיִשְׁרֵי לֵב:ג כִּי הַשָּׁתוֹת יֵהָרֵסוּן צַדִּיק מַה פָּעָל:ד יְהוָה בְּהֵיכַל קָדְשׁוֹ יְהוָה בַּשָּׁמַיִם כִּסְאוֹ עֵינָיו יֶחֱזוּ עַפְעַפָּיו יִבְחֲנוּ בְּנֵי אָדָם:ה יְהוָה צַדִּיק יִבְחָן וְרָשָׁע וְאֹהֵב חָמָס שָׂנְאָה נַפְשׁוֹ:ו יַמְטֵר עַל רְשָׁעִים פַּחִים אֵשׁ וְגָפְרִית וְרוּחַ זִלְעָפוֹת מְנָת כּוֹסָם:ז כִּי צַדִּיק יְהוָה צְדָקוֹת אָהֵב יָשָׁר יֶחֱזוּ פָנֵימוֹ:
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