General What is your background in English?

ה. בקר

צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
In England the word gorgeous means amazing
, I am well aware of that, my husband is British......
but she wrote she is Israeli so it's not because she's British so I am trying to understand if it's bad google translate

No one in Britain will say gorgeous teacher instead of amazing. by the way.

The word amazing is used in Britain. Gorgeous will be used for other concepts

For all I know and I have Brits in my house coming from UK a few times a year....


משתמש מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
I guess it's google translate

אם הבנים שמחה!

משתמש מקצוען
Im really sorry but i dare to disagree.Ive been in America,I have americans in my fmaily and i learned in American yeshivas,and one must say that sometimes they dont speak english correctly.

A brit would say the food is tasty or delicious.not nice.People are nice
What you wrote is true about Americans, not about Brits. The first time a Brit asked me if the food was nice, I had no idea what she was trying to say. (How can food be nice? People are nice.) After spending a year in seminary with quite a few Brits, I sometimes find myself saying it too.


משתמש מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
yes, i know google brings it as an option

but, in real life gorgeous is not used for mehamemet.....even not in Britain, and i ask an authentic Brit, living there, today
Yes, I know that.
Although Google Translate uses AI, these mistakes still happen.
As AI technology continues to improve, we can expect translations to become more accurate over time.
Eventually, human translators may only need to review and correct the machine-generated translations.​


משתמש פעיל
Im really sorry but i dare to disagree.Ive been in America,I have americans in my fmaily and i learned in American yeshivas,and one must say that sometimes they dont speak english correctly.

A brit would say the food is tasty or delicious.not nice.People are nice
You don't need to dare. Of course you are correct. A native American is likely to know how s/he speaks normally.
Americans use "nice" to describe how something looks: The "bar" looks very nice. The food on it is really good!

המלמד מבני ברק

משתמש מקצוען
כתיבה ספרותית
I was born in Israel and grew up in a family where everyone only spoke Hebrew and Yiddish, when I was 18 I went to the USA for a year, and even though I only spoke Yiddish there, I learned to read English well, but not to write (my writing is shocking and full of mistakes), I'm really ashamed to say, but I have no choice , Google translate helps me write a little...
. I listen to podcasts in English
It is very good option to get to know the real English like in America.
Do you know
They send me every day a short video in English, it gives me a chizuk and helps my vocabulary to grow.
If you want to join the list of TorahAnytime, send them an email in English and ask them to join.

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai

perfect לי

משתמש מקצוען
צילום מקצועי
I am an Israeli through and through with no English background
I have one uncle who moved to London a few years ago with his family, and one american cousin by marriage.
.I don't keep in touch with neither of them, soooooo
My background in English is an English chug I attended when I were in grades 1 through 3
and then in school'

My grandmother used to buy Mishpacha in English for us.
I listened to the first 5 HASC albums until I knew them by heart.

Today I teach 4 points bagrut (It's shame that my school doesnt have h 5 points group)


משתמש מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
בוגר/תלמיד פרוג
אוטומציה עסקית
My background in english is only from school and seminary.
Actually, i write only basic english, and i can't promise you that i don't have mistakes.
(By the way, i would be happy if you can correct me)
But my reading is pretty well, because i used to read a lot of of books in English as teenager,
because i finished all the books in libraries, and i found it nice to read English.
that it for now.
thanks for this forum. I hope i'll find it useful.

perfect לי

משתמש מקצוען
צילום מקצועי
Your English is excellent, but let me guess that your chug teacher was either British, Canadian, South African, or Australian--and not American. (Americans say first grade, second grade, etc., not grade 1, grade 2)
I dont think we've reached that level in chug.
It was the basic of basics, like colors, clothes, days of the week.
I wasn't sure if I could write grades first through third so I tried what I

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