Useful info CRBA and Passport Services in Beit Shemesh - Link will be sent tomorrow

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
For those that need passport services or CRBA services,
The Embassy will be coming to Beit Shemesh in December
Only 60 spots will be available!

The link to sign up will be sent out tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. on the Shemesh list. Additionally, posts will be posted to local Facebook and WhatsApp groups.
Good afternoon.

U.S. Embassy staff will be visiting Beit Shemesh very very soon. Please read the detailed FAQ below which has everything you need to know. Please read it from beginning to end.

usembassyinbeitshemesh@ gmai

U.S. Embassy FAQ

When will U.S. Embassy staff be coming to Beit Shemesh?
Thursday December 7, 2023

Where will they be seeing people?
At the Nofei Aviv shul (Feigenson)

How many appointments will they be taking?
NOT AS MANY AS USUAL! They are only coming for a couple of hours, which means there will be less than half the usual appointments.

Why is that?
Because they're very busy.

Why don't they come more often?
Because they're very busy. Additionally, they do these types of visits to cities around Israel. That's why they generally only come to Beit Shemesh once a year.

What services will they be providing?
1) Passport services
2) Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA)

Will people from social security be coming?
Unfortunately not this time.

Is this open to people who live outside of BS/RBS?
Unfortunately not. They will only take appointments for residents of Beit Shemesh and Ramat Beit Shemesh.

What do I need to do to sign up for a spot?
Tomorrow- November 23- at 1pm, an email will go out to everyone on the Shemesh list. Additionally, posts will be posted to local Facebook and WhatsApp groups. Those emails/posts will contain a link to a form which must be filled out and submitted.

If I fill out the form, does that mean I have a spot when they come?
No. Again, there is a very limited amount of spots available (around 60).

How will I know if I have a spot?
Ephraim will contact you via email. If you don't hear from him, you're on the waiting list.

If I'm on the waiting list, what are the chances I'll get an appointment?
Small. There are people who cancel and appointments open up but because of the limited number of appointments this time, I don't expect too many to open up.

Can I pay a service to sign me up for an appointment?
I cannot stress this enough:
Do not, I repeat DO NOT pay anyone who claims they can sign you up and get you a spot. You are literally wasting your money. Everyone will have the same chance to log on tomorrow at 1pm and fill in the appropriate form.

Will they be coming again soon to Beit Shemesh?
Probably not. They usually come once a year.

If I have questions, who should I contact?
Please email usembassyin beitshemesh@ gmail .com

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai


משתמש סופר מקצוען
עיצוב ואדריכלות פנים


משתמש סופר מקצוען
עיצוב ואדריכלות פנים
btw I subscribed to Shemsh list just for this and didn't get the link
I guess it's the wrong list...


משתמש סופר מקצוען
עיצוב ואדריכלות פנים
I'd appreciate if you can let me know when the emails are sent to those who are getting appointments

יופלה אפרסק

משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
I still haven't received an email today, but they wrote that they will be sending messages "later tonight" to those who will receive an appointment...
Hope for the best.​

אולי מעניין אותך גם...

הפרק היומי

הפרק היומי! כל ערב פרק תהילים חדש. הצטרפו אלינו לקריאת תהילים משותפת!

תהילים פרק יא

א לַמְנַצֵּחַ לְדָוִד בַּיהוָה חָסִיתִי אֵיךְ תֹּאמְרוּ לְנַפְשִׁי (נודו) נוּדִי הַרְכֶם צִפּוֹר:ב כִּי הִנֵּה הָרְשָׁעִים יִדְרְכוּן קֶשֶׁת כּוֹנְנוּ חִצָּם עַל יֶתֶר לִירוֹת בְּמוֹ אֹפֶל לְיִשְׁרֵי לֵב:ג כִּי הַשָּׁתוֹת יֵהָרֵסוּן צַדִּיק מַה פָּעָל:ד יְהוָה בְּהֵיכַל קָדְשׁוֹ יְהוָה בַּשָּׁמַיִם כִּסְאוֹ עֵינָיו יֶחֱזוּ עַפְעַפָּיו יִבְחֲנוּ בְּנֵי אָדָם:ה יְהוָה צַדִּיק יִבְחָן וְרָשָׁע וְאֹהֵב חָמָס שָׂנְאָה נַפְשׁוֹ:ו יַמְטֵר עַל רְשָׁעִים פַּחִים אֵשׁ וְגָפְרִית וְרוּחַ זִלְעָפוֹת מְנָת כּוֹסָם:ז כִּי צַדִּיק יְהוָה צְדָקוֹת אָהֵב יָשָׁר יֶחֱזוּ פָנֵימוֹ:
נקרא  9  פעמים

אתגר AI

חג מתן תורה • 1

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