General Childhood Nostalgia: Favorite Children's Tapes and Songs

תפארת ה.

משתמש סופר מקצוען
צילום מקצועי
I didn't see anyone mentioned
"the amazing torah bike"

קבצים מצורפים

  • The Amazing Torah Bike part 10 We are Free.mp3
    1.8 MB

דבי מ.

משתמש מקצוען
there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i- n- g- o

(the song continues like this:
every time you should omit one letter)

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i- n- g

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i- n

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i-

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o

אם הבנים שמחה!

משתמש מקצוען
there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i- n- g- o

(the song continues like this:
every time you should omit one letter)

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i- n- g

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i- n

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
b- i-

there was a farmer had a dog
and bingo was is name-o
I remember that one, but we took off the first letter and then the second etc. until it was only the O and then nothing. And you clap your hands instead of the omitted letters.

ראש אמריקאי

תרגום וכתיבה שיווקית באנגלית
מנוי פרימיום
פרסום וקופי
How about the neshamaleh song? I still know it by heart! Here are the lyrics I found online:

NESHOMELE- Journeys Ft. MBD- Composed by Abie Rotenberg- Journeys 2
(Also Recorded by MBD- The Double Album)

Come with me, little Neshomele,
Let me hold you in my hand,
And we’ll fly away, you and I together,
To a place down on the land.

Come with me, little Neshomele,
Don’t shy away, do as you’re told
There’s a little child, waiting to be born today
You’re to be his spark, his soul.

But dear Malachel, no, I don’t want to go,
There is so much pain and evil, upon the earth below,
Let me stay here up in heaven, where it’s safe and I’ll be pure,
Please don’t make me go away, can’t you see I’m so afraid.

Come with me, little Neshomele,
It’s time you faced your destiny,
As we fly beneath the clouds now, I will show you,
There is so much you can be.

Yes, dear Malachel, I can see Kedusha over there
Look- someone’s learning Torah, there’s another deep in prayer
I will stay here if you answer me, it’s all I need to know
You must promise me dear friend, that I too will be like them.

Come with me, little Neshomele
Oh it’s a task that I must do
As I tap you on the lip, you will forget me
You’re on your own, it’s up to you.

Come with me, little Neshomele
Let me hold you in my hand
And we’ll fly away, you and I together
To a place above the land.

But dear Malachel, no, I don’t want to go,
I’m not ready to go with you, where you take me, I don’t know
Let me stay right where I am, there’s so much more I need to do
Please don’t make me go away, can’t you see I’m so afraid.

Come with me, little Neshomele,
I’ve only come to take you home,
There is no need to fear your destination,
You’ve earned a place right by the throne
A place right by the throne.


צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
How about the neshamaleh song? I still know it by heart! Here are the lyrics I found online:

NESHOMELE- Journeys Ft. MBD- Composed by Abie Rotenberg- Journeys 2
(Also Recorded by MBD- The Double Album)

Come with me, little Neshomele,
Let me hold you in my hand,
And we’ll fly away, you and I together,
To a place down on the land.

Come with me, little Neshomele,
Don’t shy away, do as you’re told
There’s a little child, waiting to be born today
You’re to be his spark, his soul.

But dear Malachel, no, I don’t want to go,
There is so much pain and evil, upon the earth below,
Let me stay here up in heaven, where it’s safe and I’ll be pure,
Please don’t make me go away, can’t you see I’m so afraid.

Come with me, little Neshomele,
It’s time you faced your destiny,
As we fly beneath the clouds now, I will show you,
There is so much you can be.

Yes, dear Malachel, I can see Kedusha over there
Look- someone’s learning Torah, there’s another deep in prayer
I will stay here if you answer me, it’s all I need to know
You must promise me dear friend, that I too will be like them.

Come with me, little Neshomele
Oh it’s a task that I must do
As I tap you on the lip, you will forget me
You’re on your own, it’s up to you.

Come with me, little Neshomele
Let me hold you in my hand
And we’ll fly away, you and I together
To a place above the land.

But dear Malachel, no, I don’t want to go,
I’m not ready to go with you, where you take me, I don’t know
Let me stay right where I am, there’s so much more I need to do
Please don’t make me go away, can’t you see I’m so afraid.

Come with me, little Neshomele,
I’ve only come to take you home,
There is no need to fear your destination,
You’ve earned a place right by the throne
A place right by the throne.
Reminds me of when I was a kid
We knew Abie, his daughter was in my sister's class


משתמש מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום


משתמש רשום
Where can I download all these materials?
I speak English as a mother tongue, but I don't get to use the language on a daily basis, so naturally my language level became less good. In addition, I would of course like to return to my childhood nostalgia...
Does anyone have any idea how I can download these and other materials - songs, stories, etc.
Even for a fee


משתמש סופר מקצוען
עיצוב ואדריכלות פנים
Where can I download all these materials?
I speak English as a mother tongue, but I don't get to use the language on a daily basis, so naturally my language level became less good. In addition, I would of course like to return to my childhood nostalgia...
Does anyone have any idea how I can download these and other materials - songs, stories, etc.
Even for a fee
many can be downloaded from Mostly Music for up to $10
and if you have the JMusic app, there are many there for free
(maybe not any more. I didn't check lately(.

אולי מעניין אותך גם...

הפרק היומי

הפרק היומי! כל ערב פרק תהילים חדש. הצטרפו אלינו לקריאת תהילים משותפת!

תהילים פרק יא

א לַמְנַצֵּחַ לְדָוִד בַּיהוָה חָסִיתִי אֵיךְ תֹּאמְרוּ לְנַפְשִׁי (נודו) נוּדִי הַרְכֶם צִפּוֹר:ב כִּי הִנֵּה הָרְשָׁעִים יִדְרְכוּן קֶשֶׁת כּוֹנְנוּ חִצָּם עַל יֶתֶר לִירוֹת בְּמוֹ אֹפֶל לְיִשְׁרֵי לֵב:ג כִּי הַשָּׁתוֹת יֵהָרֵסוּן צַדִּיק מַה פָּעָל:ד יְהוָה בְּהֵיכַל קָדְשׁוֹ יְהוָה בַּשָּׁמַיִם כִּסְאוֹ עֵינָיו יֶחֱזוּ עַפְעַפָּיו יִבְחֲנוּ בְּנֵי אָדָם:ה יְהוָה צַדִּיק יִבְחָן וְרָשָׁע וְאֹהֵב חָמָס שָׂנְאָה נַפְשׁוֹ:ו יַמְטֵר עַל רְשָׁעִים פַּחִים אֵשׁ וְגָפְרִית וְרוּחַ זִלְעָפוֹת מְנָת כּוֹסָם:ז כִּי צַדִּיק יְהוָה צְדָקוֹת אָהֵב יָשָׁר יֶחֱזוּ פָנֵימוֹ:
נקרא  14  פעמים

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חג מתן תורה • 1

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